• 3x H&H (2x BTTMS). 113b

A duo exhibition

3x H&H (2x BTTMS). 113b, part of the ongoing series of collaborations ARCHAEOLOGY, is a presentation of new works by Jamie Bradley and James Cabaniuk.

A show of two practices brought together by shared personal histories and work that navigates the same principles.

Subtle codes of the gay community are hidden in plain sight within the context of perceived masculine bravado. In utilising these hidden codes both artists experience the fear of outing alongside the privilege of maleness.

The works tread the fine line between machismo and camp and where/how to find enjoyment in its camouflage. By dancing around these poles their inherent anxieties become facades that allow both artists to privately­/publicly play out their fantasies.

Installation view

Installation view

Good Action, acrylic on canvas, Jamie Bradley, 2017

Installation view

Bashful, acrylic on canvas, Jamie Bradley, 2017

Tussle, acrylic on canvas, Jamie Bradley, 2017

Installation view

Cap Off, acrylic on canvas, Jamie Bradley, 2017